Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Cape Photo of the Day - Photo #21

Here is a second of my Foggy First Day of Spring in the Cape shots. This one was taken at the Swan Drive marina. It's a favorite picture taking location for many. Yesterday's fog made it impossible to tell where the water meets the sky or shore. The water was like glass causing it to mirror and lengthen the piles. I will post an artsy, minimalist picture of those piles tomorrow (says someone who is not in the least artsy or minimalist).

I think today is supposed to be another foggy start, but I'm betting on sunshine to break through for us earlier than yesterday. Did everyone get their free Rita's ice yesterday? The cries heard 'round the Cape of Free Rita's! made me imagine some political prisoner named Rita in captivity (a la Nelson Mandela). If eating Italian ice can raise awareness and set poor Rita free, the Cape did its part yesterday judging from the lines down the block. Capers were still lined up in big numbers when I drove by at 8:15 last night. Italian ice networking at its most powerful. Viva Rita's!

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