Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Cape Photo of the Day - Photo #20

After dropping my daughter at school this AM, I drove over to the Little Magothy side of the Cape to get a photo of the sunrise on this first day of spring, 2012. This was taken right at 7:10 - official sunrise for March 20th - but I had to take it on faith that the sun was actually rising with the thick layer of fog coating the horizon. I got a lot of pretty shots of the Little Magothy from Little Magothy View and Swan Drive. It was hard to choose the best of the lot. I'll post more of them during the week. In this one, I liked the way my flash lit up the reeds in the foreground but left the foggy shore in the background with the lovely old boat sitting at the dock.

Once again, I wish I could have captured the sound of the fog horns carrying across the Bay in my picture. The first, in the distance to my right, I assume was Sandy Point. The second, louder and deeper one, was just to my left and had to be Baltimore Light. It's horn was installed in 1923, replacing a bell. I love the sound of it when lying in bed at night. It can be heard all throughout the Cape. I tried to video it with my phone camera, but it didn't pick up the distant sound. I also can't think of a good onomatopoeia (thanks kids for refreshing my memory on that one) for a fog horn. brommm? bwom? There's definitely no other sound like it.

The forecast calls for the fog to lift and sunshine later in the day, so don't give up on the first day of spring, yet. It's already looking brighter out there. There are worse ways to start the season that with the peace of a heavy fog. Welcome to springtime, Capers!

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