Saturday, February 23, 2013

Cape Photo of the Day - Photo #360

My husband called me outside earlier to get a picture of a woodpecker in our yard. By the time I got out there with my camera, he had been chased off by this bluejay. I could hear the woodpecker in the distance going about his business.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Cape Photo of the Day - Photo #359

More robins! They were flying ahead of me when I went out for a run today. They have more confidence in the coming season than I do. It just felt cold to me!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Cape Photo of the Day - Photo #358

I came across this group of robins hanging out at our bus stop a few mornings ago. Despite the very cold temperatures the past few days, I know spring is on the way when the robins show up in big numbers. So happy to see them.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Cape Photo of the Day - Photo #356

Spectacular sunrise, but we all know what that red sky means. Don't forget your umbrellas today.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Cape Photo of the Day - Photo #355

Atlantis is not blessed with a lot of community water access, but the spot they have is a nice one. Ten Cape Photos of the Day left until I complete my 365 for the year. Can you tell I'm wearing thin? :)