Saturday, April 14, 2012

Cape Photo of the Day - Photo #45

Get a load of these beautiful shitake mushrooms my neighbor just gave us. He grew them in his back yard. I believe you start them with a kit and plant the spores on a log in a shaded location. When he offered me some shitakes, I pictured small ones an inch or so in diameter, but these are HUGE. I put the salt shaker in the photo for reference. The biggest one is a whopping four or five inches across. I've seen portobellos smaller than this.

Glenn has two raised beds in his yard that produce wonderful veggies all summer. He is always very generous with them. Maybe if I can get something to grow in my Sharing Garden plots, I can return the favor. Dad - start planning a menu with shitakes for your visit!

1 comment:

  1. We had some the other night and they were sooooo good! Glad you enjoyed them...

